
Viber chat numbers
Viber chat numbers

viber chat numbers

Communities in Viber bring people together allowing group communication. 89 Communities have an unlimited number of participants, compared to group chats that have a maximum of 250. Group calling was introduced with version 10 in February 2019. And addition of instant messaging, stickers, push to talk capabilities, Viber OUT, HD Video calls, Public chat, News feed, Viber Games are the latest features found in Viber. Viber Communities, an enhanced group chat feature, was introduced in February 2018. But later on it was boosted up and added various features attracting a wider audience. Primitively this tribune launched as an application for voice calls. It was mainly popular in Eastern Europe, Russia, Middle East and some Asian markets. It is also similar to the Whatsapp, an instant messaging software application operated by Japanese multinational company Rakuten. A well-developed podium which centralize hard-pressed and engaged community. The initial release was in 2010 December. Viber is assembled by Talmon Marco, Igor Magazinnik.

Viber chat numbers